The (re)Generation Gap
There are, of course, many Who fans out there for whom Who is a recently discovered passion. For whom the 2nd Doctor is David Tennant rather than Patrick Troughton.
But with nearly 50 years of material where to begin.
Luckily Matt is here to help us plug the (re)Generation Gap.
But with nearly 50 years of material where to begin.
Luckily Matt is here to help us plug the (re)Generation Gap.
7th of October 2011
Episode 6: The Aztecs
By Matt Crossman
“Yes, James?”
“So what exactly is ‘a human sacrifice?’”
At this point we are sitting in the living room on a Sunday afternoon with three episodes of “The Aztecs” behind us and one to go. James’ Mother, who is sewing something or other, as is her want on a quiet Sunday afternoon, raises her eyebrows, gives a low disapproving ‘tut’ and then returns to her task.
“Well,” I begin, not entirely sure what is about to spill from my lips next, “Many years ago some people, the Aztecs for example, believed that God would look upon them favourably for certain things if they sacrificed a person.” There. That was easy.
“Is the God I go to see at Church like at Harvest Festival and Christmas?”
“No, it’s a different God.”
“How many Gods are there?”
“Just the one.”
“So it is the same God?” Suggests James, quite reasonably.
“No, the God they are talking about doesn’t actually exist, not like your God who does and is kind and loving.” I don’t personally believe in God but James goes to a Church of England school and I’m trying my best not to give him any mixed messages and I certainly do not want to get into a conversation regarding atheism. Human sacrifice is tough enough thank you very much. James ponders this new information and then asks,
“What sort of things did they want?”
“Well,” I began again, “Maybe they wanted the crops to be very good that year, or maybe they wanted the winter not too be so cold. That sort of thing.”
“So they would ‘sacrifice’ someone.” Said James.
“That’s right. Spot on! Shall we continue with the last episode?”
“Ok.” said James. Just as I queue up the final episode James puts his hand on my arm to stop me pressing play.
“But Dad. What exactly is a human sacrifice?”
From the corner of the room comes an even louder ‘tut’.
Thanks John Lucarotti!
23rd of September 2011
Episode 5: The Keys of Marinus
By Matt Crossman
So after a suitable period of sulking from James because “Marco Polo” does not exist anymore, James skulks up alongside me one Sunday morning and suggests; [Read More]
21st of May 2011
Episode 4: Marco Polo
By Matt Crossman
“So James,” I said, “You ready for the next Doctor Who?”
“Yeah!” exclaimed James.
“Go and get it then” and off he trundled to the large book case that houses our Doctor Who collection. The minutes past and I waited patiently and still James did not return with the next Doctor Who story. Finally I gave up and called after him.
“James! What’s keeping you so long?” In came James.
“I can’t find it.” [Read More]
“Yeah!” exclaimed James.
“Go and get it then” and off he trundled to the large book case that houses our Doctor Who collection. The minutes past and I waited patiently and still James did not return with the next Doctor Who story. Finally I gave up and called after him.
“James! What’s keeping you so long?” In came James.
“I can’t find it.” [Read More]
21st of May 2011
Episode 3: The Edge of Destruction
By Matt Crossman
After the excitement of “The Daleks” comes the two part story “The Edge Of Destruction” which we all know is set entirely within the confines of the TARDIS and only features the regular cast.
I was curious to see what James would make of this story so enamoured as he was with The Daleks. It’s a brave move by the production team. After the introductory story (An Unearthly Child) and then the first ‘monster’ story (The Daleks) here is a story all about the Doctor’s time travel machine the TARDIS. Both parts are played out as if a stage show with only 2 or 3 sets. We get to see more of the TARDIS than we will in the future (possibly only Castrovalva shows us [Read More]
I was curious to see what James would make of this story so enamoured as he was with The Daleks. It’s a brave move by the production team. After the introductory story (An Unearthly Child) and then the first ‘monster’ story (The Daleks) here is a story all about the Doctor’s time travel machine the TARDIS. Both parts are played out as if a stage show with only 2 or 3 sets. We get to see more of the TARDIS than we will in the future (possibly only Castrovalva shows us [Read More]
One minute's silence
Whilst this column is only just approaching the third ever episode of Doctor Who James and I are much further ahead in our episodes. Just this week we finished watching “The Seeds of Doom” and are currently two episodes in of “The Masque of Mandragora”. Not only that James has finished watching the first two seasons of “The Sarah Jane Adventures” which he is enjoying enormously. It was only yesterday that James remarked that the next story on our itinerary is “The Hand of Fear” and he did so with sadness as it’s Sarah Jane’s last adventure with the fourth Doctor. Then he said, “At least we’ll still have Sarah in her own adventures to look forward to.” I’m sure you can all imagine where I am going with this…[Read More]
1st April 2011
Episode 2.5
We interrupt this broadcast for a commercial break.
Friday the 4th of March 2011.
I find myself at Olympia, just around the corner from Earl’s Court with a very excited boy. Most of you will be able to guess that we are about to enter The Doctor Who Experience.
For those of you not in the know, and there can’t be many of you, The Doctor Who Experience is a new exhibition that opened it’s door in London in late February. This column is about to reveal it’s inner most secrets so if you are planning on attending then I suggest you [Read More]
Friday the 4th of March 2011.
I find myself at Olympia, just around the corner from Earl’s Court with a very excited boy. Most of you will be able to guess that we are about to enter The Doctor Who Experience.
For those of you not in the know, and there can’t be many of you, The Doctor Who Experience is a new exhibition that opened it’s door in London in late February. This column is about to reveal it’s inner most secrets so if you are planning on attending then I suggest you [Read More]
17th of March 2011
Episode 2: The Daleks
By Matt Crossman
One of the great things about watching Doctor Who with someone who knows nothing about the older episodes are the surprises. Of course keeping them as surprises is often more difficult than you would expect. With “The Daleks” as our next Doctor Who story I was determined to keep the appearance of the titular monsters a surprise from James. [Read More]
4th of March 2011
Episode 1: An Unearthly Child
By Matt Crossman
So Christmas day finally arrives and with it Father Christmas leaves me the blu-ray box set of Matt’s Smith’s debut season as the good Doctor. After much unwrapping of presents and being unusually civil to each other James, The Wife, and my good self settle down to watch the first few Matt Smith episodes before guests arrive and we gorge ourselves on an over sized turkey. The Wife is happy with this. Despite having no affection for ‘old’ Who she has loved the series since it came back in 2005. James is wallowing in new Who and barely takes his eyes off the television despite being surrounded by a plethora of new presents. He really is quite smitten with the programme. [Read More]
24th of February 2011
Prologue (or Dalek Cutaway, if you prefer)
By Matt Crossman
This was how it happened.
I’ve been a Doctor Who ‘fan’ since I was four. I remember Pertwee as my first Doctor. I remember Sea Devils, The Master, Monsters of Peladon as well as scary, dirty great big Spiders. I remember having to eat Weetabix for weeks on end despite hating the stuff, desperate for a full set of cardboard standees. I remember my first crime too as it was Doctor Who related. Opening the bottom of Weetabix boxes and stealing aforementioned standees in the hope of completing the set sooner rather than later. Anything so I would not have to eat more Weetabix.
Around the start of the Peter Davison era I fell out of love with Doctor Who and turned my attentions to girls and [Read more]